
13 reasons to visit Cambodia with kids

There’s always a risk visiting a destination you’ve longed to see for years – can somewhere as iconic as Angkor Wat really live up to its reputation? Especially when you visit with a five-year-old! But as I discovered, Cambodia was all I’d hoped for and far more.

Girl looks at the carvings on a wall at Angkor Wat - my top reasons to visit Cambodia with kids
press trip – contains affiliate links*

With so many things to do in Cambodia with kids, from its fascinating ancient sites to the beautiful scenery of mountains and beach, the warmth of the welcome which greeted us both (my daughter especially) and the bold colours of everyday life, Cambodia gave us reason after reason to fall in love with the country.

Given my daughter’s highest accolade – a “very fun adventure” – it’s perfect for families too. Well, what kid doesn’t like a bit of adventure with plenty of seaside? Here’s how it bewitched me – my 13 reasons to visit Cambodia with kids.

The people

The smiles were never far from the surface – in a country which has endured war and tragedy, the people we met were unfailingly friendly, proud of their beautiful country and happy to share it.

I lost track of the number of time people thanked us for visiting, of the waves my daughter received. Ancient monuments might draw people to Cambodia but it’s the Cambodians themselves who win your heart.

The temples

Angkor Wat, the glory of the Khmer empire; Bayon with its serenely smiling faces; ‘Tomb Raider’ temple Ta Prohm, its entwined trees more lovely than any mere film appearance – and that’s only the start.

Some ancient, some newer, some collapsing into heaps and almost swallowed by the trees, others perched on the top of a mountain.

Angkor and the temples of Siem Reap are as intricately impressive as you might hope, the detailed carving enduring across the centuries, the whisper of a long lost empire echoing through the stone.

But the less well-known temples are no less memorable, their towers stretching to the sky, tentacled tree roots wrapped around statues and entirely unexpected animals decorating pillars alongside the tales of myth and legend – guaranteed to fascinate if you’re visiting Cambodia with kids.

Incense sticks still burn, monks still appear at the summmons of a gong, reminding us that this is still part of everyday life – even if some precious and bejewelled offerings once left in the capital’s temples have now become exhibits in their own right.

The adventure

Even the most intrepid explorer, hearing tales of long ago battles between gods and demons or venturing into jungle-clad ruins, needs a break from temples occasionally. But those were only the start of our adventures.

Speeding along the narrow gauge track which once ran from Battambang to Phnom Penh on the famous Bamboo train, easily dismantled if you met another group coming the other way. [EDIT: The original line has since been replaced by a purpose build section of trip to mimic the experience]

Or gazing out across rice paddies from the steady plod of an ox cart, the spiked horns of the water buffalo seeming entirely at odds with their placid pace.

Heading into the mountains to kayak in the mirror still waters of a mangrove, startling birds from the treetops and keeping an eye out for monkeys (and imaginary crocodiles) before a mini hike to a waterfall, the spray from the wet season’s rains crashing past in a cascade of white froth.

The beaches

Pale sand, sun-warmed seas and a choice of beaches to enjoy it – we fitted in two seaside stops along Cambodia’s south coast during our two weeks in Cambodia.

First at Otres Beach near Sihanoukville, perfectly designed for relaxing, and then on to Kep, near the border with Vietnam.

Once the favoured weekend escape of Cambodia’s elite, its famous Modernist buildings may be crumbling but it’s as beguiling as ever.

Butterflies flit in the national park, crabs are still the speciality on the market menu – a cheery waving statue welcomes visitors to Kep with one raised claw – and the baguettes in the bakeries could be straight from Paris, a tempting legacy of French colonial rule.

The food

With Thai and Indian influences, and a willingness to cook almost anything, you need barely eat the same meal twice in Cambodia – although for five-year-olds who would prefer simplicity, there are plenty of Western and plain dishes around if you’re worried about finding something to eat in Cambodia with kids.

The spiced coconut of fish amok and the fresh tang of ginger and lemongrass, noodles, stir fries and mango salads with a kick were only the beginning.

I never did see tarantula on a menu, but tried beef with red ants, Kampot pepper crab, frogs legs, supersized snails and even deep-fried frangipani flowers, washed down with fresh coconut or sugar cane juice, and hand-poured cocktails at sunset.

The colours

Molten golds and deep reds, the vibrant orange of a monk’s robe against the blue sky – bright, bold, those are only a few of the everyday colours of Cambodia.

Pillar box red stripes and saffron yellows adorned the boats cutting through the milk chocolate waters of the tributaries leading to Tonle Sap lake.

A splash of turquoise coated one house, purples and orange brightened a restaurant, while piles of silk scarves mixed more shades than a rainbow. In the rainy season, even the fields seemed an super-saturated emerald.

The chilled-out atmosphere

There’s nothing like travelling with kids to make you slow down – but wherever we found ourselves, whether city, countryside or coast, there were pockets of tranquillity.

Rivers lapped quietly under the clouds, only the ripples of boats venturing to disturb the peace.

Water lilies floated silently on ponds, Buddha statues smiled, timelessly serene; my daughter even fell asleep on a sun lounger.

The heritage

The shadow of the past lies across so much of Cambodia. Two decades after the country’s long civil war ended, another two since the worst terror of the Khmer Rouge, it’s still felt in countless everyday ways.

But horrifyingly dark though those years were – so much so, that I couldn’t even consider taking my daughter to Tuol Sleng or the Killing Fields – the country is so much more than its recent tragedies.

Art, craft and culture are everywhere; temples and shrines dot the roads, glorious palaces shine while others patiently await renovation.

Monks accept alms before snapping photos on their mobiles and Buddha heads emerge from the cliffside until more budget can release their bodies from the rock, while gloriously dressed characters from the Ramayana pose with visitors at Angkor Wat.

The traditions

In so many ways, the traditions of Cambodia continue in daily life, whether that’s the dishes on menus or the homes built with room underneath for hammocks and animals to shelter.

Perhaps the most fascinating glimpse we had was the stilt houses built by the shores of Tonle Sap lake – teetering high above the water level, even part-way through the rainy season.

Small boats were moored at the bottom of the spindly steps while on the water, fishermen netted their catches.

The hotels

No two hotels were quite alike – some mixed Khmer influences with their modcons, others offering cool boutique serenity, but all were perfect if you’re visiting Cambodia with kids.

Best of all, perhaps, were the floating tents we stayed in at Koh Kong in the Cardamom Mountains – luxurious safari tents set on a pontoon on the Tatai River, Canvas and Orchids Retreat (formerly Four Rivers Floating Lodge) was as much an experience as accommodation.

And for my daughter? A series of fabulous pools, including one of buoyantly warm saltwater, to refresh after a busy day’s adventuring.

The wildlife

Head to Cambodia’s far east region and you’ll find elephants – but although we didn’t venture quite that far, we had some more compact creatures to discover.

Monkeys sat idly by the roadside in Angkor, plucking fruit from the trees at Kep and climbing rebelliously over the royal palace roof in Phnom Penhh.

The buttery yellow butterflies which flitted through the temples of Siem Reap were joined by intricately patterned cousins in Kep, their wings flashing like jewels in the sunlight.

And near Battambang, as dusk fell, millions of bats flooded from three caves in the rock face as if triggered by an inaudible signal, gorging on insects until it was time to return just before the dawn.

Mekong River Cruise

There’s nothing quite like exploring a country by water, especially when you’re cruising along the river that’s at the heart of this corner of South East Asia.

A Mekong river cruise with kids gives you a chance to discover some of Cambodia’s heritage and history, plus the wildlife which lives near the banks, as you journey along the 12th longest river in the world.

And with family-friendly departures, including everything from kayaking to guided bike rides, as well as a chance to discover more about everyday life, it’s also one of the easiest ways to explore Cambodia with children.

This epic adventure can take you not just through Cambodian but onwards to Vietnam too. Travelling from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh, via Tonle Sap lake – and to My Tho near Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam, if you’re planning a longer trip, is unforgettable.

The variety

Few countries have such variety as Cambodia, the feeling that each stop had something entirely new to discover.

After all, where else can you pack all this into a fortnight, especially with a small girl in tow?

First published 2017, updated 2022


The top reasons to visit Cambodia with kids - from the glories of Angkor Wat to the adventures of the bamboo train, exploring beach and mountains, discovering monkeys and butterflies, Cambodia is the perfect place for a family holiday

Disclosure: Our trip was courtesy of Stubborn Mule. All opinions and enthusiastic smiles are my own. This post contains affiliate links – any purchases you make are unaffected but I may receive a small commission

Images copyright MummyTravels



  1. What a beautiful post to dive into! I never knew that bodies to accompany the Buddha heads were ready and waiting for funds to release them. Let’s hope it happens in our lifetimes.

    1. Thank you! And I hope so – one at least, we saw the head carved from the rock but the rest was still untouched cliff face until more money becomes available.

  2. So many wonderful reasons to take your children there! I especially like that there were smiles everywhere! Your children will grown up with the most wonderful sense of wanderlust! πŸ™‚ #FarawayFiles

  3. I have absolutely LOVED following your travels in Cambodia. It looks like you had the most wonderful time and very doable with little kids (wholeheartedly agree with keeping her away from seeing the very dark side). Also, I see your little one has the same Vtech camera as my 3yo – he loves it and gives him a new way to explore new surroundings. #FarawayFiles

    1. Thank you! It really was incredible – and she loves her camera, the memory card has been filled up and she was distinctly cross that I didn’t have a spare or a means to download as she wasn’t prepared to delete any πŸ˜‰

  4. What an absolutely fabulous adventure, Cathy! Everything about this trip sounds utterly wonderful and I love the photos of your daughter taking it all in – from beaches to temples to colour and wonderful wildlife. We’ll have to follow in your footsteps one day. Thanks for sharing on #FarawayFiles

    1. Thank you! It was such an amazing trip – lots for us both to enjoy too, which was great. I hope you do get there.

  5. I just loved reading this post! Your descriptive writing along with your beautiful photos really brought everything to life! I can’t believe you ate beef with red ants?! Wow! I often like to try local dishes, but I’m not sure I’m quite that brave? Obviously you loved this adventure and you’ve done an amazing job of sharing the joy! I’ll definitely look into Stubborn Mule when I finally find my way to Cambodia! #farawayfiles

    1. Thank you! That’s so lovely to hear – and yes, we had an absolutely amazing time. I have to admit, I couldn’t really tell the ants were there, but you never know until you try!

      1. So true! Who knows, maybe by the time I find my way there I’ll be feeling brave enough to try the red ant dish?! Looking forward to reading more about your amazing adventure! #citytripping

  6. This is my kind of place! Love every aspect of what you have described in here. I almost cried when I saw the picture of the mangosteens. Such a delicious fruit that is almost impossible to get in the states. Oh and your daughter, what a cutie! #FarawayFiles

  7. Now that is a persuasive list indeed. Not sure what is more attractive – the bamboo train, the food or the wildlife, but I am pretty sure you are right and my kids would love to visit.

    1. It would be impossible to pick one highlight, I think – fortunately, it’s even better to have a large number of tempting reasons πŸ™‚

  8. Wow, Angkor Wat is so beautiful! Was your daughter interested in the impressive architecture and history? I’m always curious about what kids take away from trips. My son is only two, so for now I think he is just into the different foods to try and the playgrounds, of course!

    1. It is stunning there – she was interested to an extent, so she loved the carvings and some of the stories they represented which makes sense as it’s all very dramatic, but was less interested in the history of the building and country. I find a lot of the time that it can be a surprise what captures her attention, but also depends a bit on how tired she might be feeling – so much stays with her, she remembered lots from our Burma trip 15 months before Cambodia while we were out there too.

  9. A wonderful post about a wonderful country. People, colour, temples are all magic as you say. We loved our trip despite me getting pretty ill. I want to go back! Wilbur #citytripping

    1. I think everyone I spoke to before I went said that I’d love it – all correctly. I hope you do get there before long, it’s such a wonderful country.

  10. Cambodia is one place that my husband really wants to go. It’s so great to see that it’s kid-friendly. I love going to places where the people just embrace the kids. It definitely warms my heart. #citytripping

    1. It really is fantastic – and definitely, makes life so much easier and a trip so much more fun with kids when they’re at the heart of it all.

    1. It was incredible – a real adventure for us both, especially those tents. Love how much more involved she seemed this time as well.

    1. Thank you! I still have several posts I want to write with a bit more detail too (bring on the start of term) – but those were two definite highlights.

  11. I’ve read so many Ankor Wat posts over the past couple of years that it made me wonder if I should visit since it seems to be such a popular and crowded place. But having read about the rest of your trip as well I think it’s well worth a visit! Especially to meet the Cambodian people and visit the beaches as well!

    1. There is so much to see beyond the temples – and visiting out of peak season definitely meant a quieter experience at Angkor Wat too.

  12. Amazing pictures. As someone who grew up in the 1970’s, when I think about places I want to visit, Cambodia would not have made the list but after reading your post, I am definitely putting it on my bucket list. Thanks for sharing your experience.

    1. Thanks – it’s so easy for places to become fixed in our minds, I think, I’ve had similar for other destinations but so worth discovering.

    1. That she is – and I am so lucky to be able to share it with her. It really is an amazing place, easily lives up to the hype – I hope you get there too.

  13. I’m actually very pleased that you travelled to Cambodia with your daughter πŸ™‚ Many friends of mine have expressed their doubts about bringing their children along for trips to Indochina. Now I can share your post with them! Your post also brings back memories of my trip to Cambodia back in 2011 – it was 3 full days of temple-dom but awesome trip. I would love to go back again but to explore the beaches and get on that bamboo train! #Citytripping

    1. Thanks! I hope it persuades a few that it’s an amazing place for a family trip – and while the temples were just amazing, I recommend a return for the beaches and bamboo train too πŸ™‚

  14. You’ve taken me back Cathy. Cambodia IS so much more than its violent history. I visited many years ago but was struck by the people and the mystical, beautiful temples and landscapes. What struck me was the people seemed so happy to be at peace and willing to move on. I look forward to going back one day as a family. #citytripping

    1. Thanks! And I totally agree about the attitude of the people there – such a big part of what visitors fall in love with, I think.

  15. The temples are magnificent. Cambodia is one place that I really want to go. It is so great to see that it’s kid-friendly. I love going to places where the people just embrace the kids. I would add it in my bucket list.

  16. Beautiful writing and photography. Cambodia – and Angkor Wat and the other temples in particular – is one of those quasi-mythical places for me, somewhere that seems so fascinating yet tantalisingly out-of-reach (my wife has a fear of flying). I love that you managed to find little “pockets of tranquility” in this oft-visited place, and that you dared to try the beef with ants! πŸ˜‰ Great article!

    1. Thank you! It really is as fascinating as it seems – shame it’s such a long flight if you are afraid of it. And so much more beyond the temples too (including those ants!)

  17. I liked your blog. I traveled a lot with my family when I was a kid, so I hope to do it one day with my own. Such a cool experience for both the kids and parents. Cambodia is one place that I really want to go.

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